Kasikorn new year gift design for customers ,The concept design Based on the Ci concept green color and "K" for to Souvenir such as glass , bag , umbrella, etc
RED BULL : Gift design for BOI Fair 2011 Thailand
With eco-friendly theme and souvenir design, The glass packaging Made by PVC Box itself be able to reuse for transform the packaging is to Tissue Box way. Made it long lasting used.
PROPAGANDA : Lamp Wind UpThis is a Lamp, You can setting time On/Off a lighting by wind up
Wine cork Off & Open : Product Design. This is a wine cork 2in1 (Off & Open) and funny shape concept for user.
PROPAGANDA : Mug Design. You can enjoy with the mug to surprises after a coffee time.
Salad spoon : Product Design. The Vegetable is a inspiration for design salad spoon and have a function for storage to assembled by insert
PROPAGANDA : Pepper &Salt Wind Up. You can enjoy pepper & salt mill by wind up
KIDP (Korea Institute of Design Promotion)
ECO DESIGN AWARD 2008 : Chopping Block Slide. Chopping Block Slide have a function 3 ni 1 (Knife Holder, tray, Chopping Block)
Ocean Glass : Gift for Euro Games 2012. The concept design is the Euro Games to souvenir design for Ocean Glass